Turtle Creek Waterpark

Turtle Creek Sprayground

The colorful sprayground has many climbing features, tube and open slides, bridges, interactive play features, dump bucket and water sprays galore.
There is a designated tot area as well as water play for all ages, even the big kids up to age 13!

Purchase a Season Pass Splash Pass for fun all summer including pre and post waterpark season!

Sprayground Only Pre-Season (weather permitting): May 17-May 30
Sprayground Only Post-Season (weather permitting) September 6-September 21


Turtle Creek Waterpark

2025 Season May 31-September 1
Weekends Only August 16-September 1

3 Slides, 2 Pools, Lazy River, New 10,000 Square Foot Sprayground!
Lap Pool Leisure Pool Slides &
Lazy River
Sprayground More Amenities
Zero Depth Entry Zero Depth Entry 2 Body Slides Climbing Features Sand Play Area
Deepest Area: 4.5′ Deepest Area: 3.5′ Tube Slide Tube and Open Slides Bobo’s Poolside
6 Lap Lanes Play Features (5 and younger) Lazy River Bridges Shade Structures
Mushroom Play Feature Interactive Play Features Deck Chairs
Tot Slide in Zero Depth Area Dump Bucket Locker Rooms


2025 Season Pass Fees

Purchase Season Pass Online

Season Passes…your best value! Season pass includes:
• Free admission to Lap Swim daily
• $50 discount on private rentals
• Season passholders’ guests only pay $1 over the resident rate – limit 4 per passholder per season
• New passholders receive a special Welcome Kit!

Early Bird
Season Pass 

Early Bird Season Pass with Splash Pass Add On Season Pass Season Pass with Splash Pass Add on Daily* Fee Sprayground Pre/Post Season Daily Fee
Individual R/NR $90/126 $110/151 $99/138 $119/163 $16/20 $6/8
Additional** R/NR $78/113 $98/138 $89/126 $109/151 N/A N/A
Senior 62+ R/NR $72/100.80 $92/125.80 $78/110 $98/135 $13/17 N/A

Individuals, 3 years and younger, do not require a pass to visit the Turtle Creek Waterpark.
*Hawthorn School District 73 families, that do not reside within Park District boundaries, are not eligible to receive resident daily admission rates.
**Additional Pass may be purchased after an Individual Pass is purchased. Pass holders must reside in the same household.


How to Purchase a Season Pass 

• All passholders must have a photo taken before visiting Turtle Creek Waterpark.
• Your aquatic season pass fob can be reused! Validate it when you pay for the new season.
• Season Passes may be purchased in-person at The Sullivan Community Center and Lakeview Fitness or Online.
• When applying for resident rates, current proof of residency must be up to date. Vernon Hills and Hawthorn District 73 residents will receive resident rates by providing the following:

1. Proof of Residency (Adults ages 16 and older)
2. Current driver’s license OR a State of Illinois ID card, AND
3. Current real estate tax bill or utility bill (no older than 60 days), or proof of recent real estate closing

Group Rentals, Private Parties, Birthday Parties

Group Rentals and Private Parties

Special Events • Private Parties • Corporate Picnics • Birthday Parties • Team Parties
Imagine having the lazy river and all three slides for your exclusive use! Lap swim at your leisure! Tots can play in a wide open zero-depth entry pool! Turtle Creek Waterpark offers something for everyone in your group.

  • Rental Availability
    The entire Turtle Creek Waterpark, or specific areas, may be rented.
    Days and Hours: Fridays from 7:30-9:30 pm, or Saturdays from 7:30-10:30 pm.
    Parties and rentals are only available until mid-August.
  • Season Pass Holders
    Save $50 when you rent out the entire facility!
  • Reservations
    All reservation requests must be submitted at least two weeks prior to your requested rental date.
    Payment in full is due at the time of reservation.
    Reservation forms are available at the Sullivan Community Center.
Hourly Rental Rates Vernon Hills Resident Non-Resident
Entire Facility $575 $680
Leisure Pools Only $430 $510
Lazy River and Slides Only $430 $510
Sprayground Only N/A N/A
Each Addt’l Guest (over 200) $9 $12


Birthday Party Packages

Friends and family of all ages can enjoy Turtle Creek Waterpark!
All packages include access to the entire Waterpark, a private grassed party area, and one hour in the concession area.
Maximum limit of 30 guests.

Requests must be submitted at least two weeks prior to your requested rental date.
Payment is due in full at the time of reservation. Any remaining fee, if applicable, is due the day of the party.
Reservation forms are available at the Sullivan Community Center.
Parties are not available after August 4.

Perfect Party Package $285 Deluxe Party Package $330
15 Guests or Less 15 Guests or Less
Additional Guest: $15 Additional Guest: $18
Admission to Turtle Creek Waterpark Admission to Turtle Creek Waterpark
Hot Dog or Hamburger & Medium Drink Hot Dog or Hamburger & Medium Drink
Ice Cream Cake

Swim Programs

Swim Programs

Lap Swim (16+ Years)
Lap swim is available before and after the pool is open to the public. Admission to Lap Swim does not include the cost of Turtle Creek Waterpark’s daily admission. Swimmers must exit the Waterpark at the conclusion of Lap Swim.

Dates Days Time R/NR Daily
6/2-8/29 M/W/F 8-10 AM $6/8
6/3-8/28 T/Th 8-9 AM $6/8
6/7-8/31 Sa/Su 9:30-10:30 AM $6/8


Water Aerobics (14+ Years)
Fun and fitness at Turtle Creek Waterpark! Join this low impact class to improve cardio endurance and enhance body tone through constant water resistance and strength building, while using water weights. Basic swim skills are required.
This program is not included with a Lakeview Fitness membership.

Dates Days Time R/NR Code
6/10-7/3 T,Th 9-10 am $45/54 105960 REGISTER
7/8-8/1 T,Th 9-10 am $45/54 105961 REGISTER


Turtle Creek Waterpark General Information

Waterpark Closing Information – Weather Hotline: (847) 996-6616

The Park District reserves the right to close the entire Waterpark, or portions thereof, under the following conditions:

  • Air temperature below 68°
  • Fewer than 25 people in the pool for at least 30 minutes.
  • Threatening weather conditions.
  • Other safety concerns or lack of attendance.

If thunder and lightning or other inclement weather are seen at Turtle Creek Waterpark, all patrons are expected to either go into the bathhouses or exit the facility and wait in their car until weather passes. Waiting under an umbrella on the pool deck or in the concession stand is prohibited. No refunds will be given if the facility closes due to inclement weather.

Admission and Age Restrictions

  • Enter Turtle Creek Waterpark by paying the daily fee or having a season pass.
  • Children aged 3 and under enjoy free entry.
  • Children under 11 are not allowed to enter or remain in the facility unless accompanied by a person, at least 16 years of age, who knows how to swim.
  • Children 8 years and younger must have a person, 16 years or older, within arm’s reach of the child at all times.

Food, Drinks, and Gum

  • Gum and outside food or drink are prohibited. Refreshments are available for purchase at the concession stand.
  • Alcohol is prohibited. Those under the influence of alcohol or exhibiting erratic behavior will not be permitted in the facility.


  • Smoking is prohibited.

Attire and Diapers

  • Proper swimsuits are required; cut-offs, jean shorts, or t-shirts are not suitable for swimming.
  • Non-toilet trained children must wear swim diapers or tight-fitting rubber/plastic pants.

Belongings and Lockers

  • Lockers are available for storing belongings; Vernon Hills Park District is not responsible for lost items.

Toys and Equipment

  • Toys, equipment, and flotation devices are subject to management approval.
  • Water wings, noodles, rafts, fins, and snorkels are not allowed.
  • Children wearing U.S. Coast Guard approved flotation devices must be within arm’s reach of an adult, 16 years or older, at all times.

Deck Rules

  • Running on the deck is prohibited.
  • Playing on or around the lifeguard stands is prohibited.

Pool Rules

  • Sitting or hanging on lane lines is not allowed.
  • Spitting, spouting water, blowing your nose, or introducing contaminants into the water is prohibited.
  • Use ladders for entering and exiting only.
  • No diving in less than 5 feet of water.

Behavior and Language

  • Boisterous or rough play is not permitted.
  • Offensive language and personal misconduct are not permitted.

Health and Hygiene Guidelines

  • Pleaser shower before entering the water.
  • Individuals with skin disease, communicable disease, open lesions, nasal or ear discharges, or wearing bandages, are not permitted in the pool.
  • A physician’s statement is required for those with a skin rash, disease, or open sore.

Supervision and Lifeguard Authority

  • Lifeguards are responsible for enforcing rules and responding to emergencies.
  • Parents or guardians must supervise their children.
  • The Vernon Hills Park District reserves the right to add rules or policies or enforce existing ones more strictly as needed, without notice.